Before treating any area of the face with dermal fillers, it is important to assess the patient's facial support. By evaluating the facial support, the injector can determine if the patient is a good candidate for the treatment area they are requesting. If the face is indeed lacking support, it is important to build collagen, by doing a few skin treatments such as rejuvenating lasers, microneedling or chemical peels. The point of receiving rejuvenation skin treatments is to stimulate collagen, which is cell division. By creating cell division you are creating a thicker dermal layer (the second layer in the skin) which in turn, provides more structural support for the dermal filler, to bring the patient optimal, radiant, natural results.
Amber Whitworth, Medical Aesthetician, Nationally Certified Laser Specialist, Certified Injector and Bachelor's Degree from Arizona State University. Co-Founder Zen Medical Spa